I have just uploaded a revised version of my Ewebbed enCore package to the Barn for download.
This version incorporates the new Xpress Program Editor and also includes a copy of the Neil Fraser's MOO Inspector. You can download the complete package from this link.
The instructions and some documentation is here:
For those of you who are not familiar with the Ewebbed enCore package allow me to explain.
One of the hurdles I had when first learning to code for LambdaMOO based systems was the lack of places to experiment. Pure text based systems were pretty rare and open ones that allowed new users to be programmers were even rarer! So I went looking for a way to easily setup a local MOO to play with.
Unfortunately I was a Windows user and the options were pretty limited until Christopher Unkel's WinMOO came to the rescue! This awesome windows version of the LambdaMOO Server makes setting up a local MOO on a windows PC pretty simple.
I use TKMOO as my MOO client which uses the MacMOOSE utilities to provide a nice object viewer and program editor.
As I began working withe enCore learning Environment, with it's integrated web server and web based client called Xpress, I found that I also needed to have an easy way to open a standard local web server to use alongside enCore. Setting up a local webserver in windows was not always an easy chore, IIS was overkill and others needed administrator privileges. I found a single executable webserver called Mongoose that fit the bill nicely.
Once I had all this working for myself things were peachy and away I went happily coding away.
Working with the enCore Consortium and maintaining The Barn, it occurred to me that others might want the same kind of tools available to experiment with as well. So I packaged the whole kit 'n kaboodle up and made it available for download.
One of the hurdles I had when first learning to code for LambdaMOO based systems was the lack of places to experiment. Pure text based systems were pretty rare and open ones that allowed new users to be programmers were even rarer! So I went looking for a way to easily setup a local MOO to play with.
Unfortunately I was a Windows user and the options were pretty limited until Christopher Unkel's WinMOO came to the rescue! This awesome windows version of the LambdaMOO Server makes setting up a local MOO on a windows PC pretty simple.
I use TKMOO as my MOO client which uses the MacMOOSE utilities to provide a nice object viewer and program editor.
As I began working withe enCore learning Environment, with it's integrated web server and web based client called Xpress, I found that I also needed to have an easy way to open a standard local web server to use alongside enCore. Setting up a local webserver in windows was not always an easy chore, IIS was overkill and others needed administrator privileges. I found a single executable webserver called Mongoose that fit the bill nicely.
Once I had all this working for myself things were peachy and away I went happily coding away.
Working with the enCore Consortium and maintaining The Barn, it occurred to me that others might want the same kind of tools available to experiment with as well. So I packaged the whole kit 'n kaboodle up and made it available for download.
The package includes a pre-configured moo server, using WinMOO, a copy of the enCore V4 MOO system already configured with both a programmer and a wizard ID, a webserver running Mongoose, and a copy of TKMOO. This system runs in a single directory and does not require any complicated installation. Simply unzip the files and double click the start.cmd file in the folder.
No administrator rights are needed, if you are running this locally, which makes it easy to use in a school environment. And while you could run a production MOO using this I would recommend a proper webserver rather than Mongoose.
I'm always interested in comments, suggestions and critiques that anyone has, so feel free to comment.
Thanks for reading.
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